
Sunday 17 July 2011

London Blitz diary blog

I spent a couple of hours earlier today putting together an article for the forthcoming Irish edition of the Family and Local History Handbook, concerning the Easter Tuesday blitz raid on Belfast and the subsequent raid in Dublin in World War 2.

So now I am in "blitz mode", I thought I'd give a quick plug for a great blog entitled World War II London Blitz Diary 1939-45, available at Its reproduction was started in September last year, and it will appear in full in due course in a book format - here's the blurb from the website:

My great grandother Ruby Alice Side Thompson(1884-1970) kept personal journals through out her life (which I inherited thru my grandmother, Ruth Ferris Thompson (daughter in law of Ruby) The 1939-1945 Diaries are her very personal revelations of her experience living in London during the World War ll Bombing Blitz and her endurance of war and a difficult unfulfilling marriage. This journal will soon be published as a book or series of books. This blog contains snippets of what will later be published in its entirety. If you would like to be on the mailing list for being notified of this please email vxwashu @ and you will be added you to the list.

Enjoy - and there will be more on the forthcoming Irish edition of the Family and Local History Handbook very soon!



  1. Thank you! I am the blogger for the London Blitz World War ll Diary !

  2. You're welcome! I worked on two separate TV programmes in the past on the Blitz and the Battle of Britain, so always interested to read up on new material from the period! Got through September 1939 two night ago, hope to get launched into the full thing soon!

