
Saturday 6 August 2011

Help on the way for Indian ancestry

This is a quick plug for a forthcoming book by a friend of mine, Emma Jolly. Tracing Your British Indian Ancestors is a 192 page tome coming soon from Pen and Sword Ltd (Feb 12th 2012), detailing all you need to know about the British presence in India in empire days.

Family history obviously covers everything and anything that ever once happened, but when it comes to British research, I think of myself as having at least a rough idea about some areas which I don't often delve into for research purposes. India, however, is most definitely one area that I know next to nothing about, though thanks to the good folks at FIBIS ( that has been partially addressed.

I recently discovered an ancestor of mine who was born in India, and it was Emma I turned to in order to help me trace some parish records at the British Library, which she sorted effortlessly, definitely knowing her stuff!

I've been lucky enough to have seen an early draft of one of the chapters in this book, and it really is dynamite, as it not only deals with the records but also the history and the context that is so crucial for family history research. The cover for the book has just appeared on Amazon, and you can of course pre-order it there ( or in due course from the Pen and Sword site itself (

Definitely looking forward to this one!


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