
Thursday 18 August 2011

More Gaelic required!

A new Scottish Government report, Public Attitudes Towards the Gaelic Language, shows that some 81% of the public feel it is important to preserve the Gaelic language in Scotland. The full report is available at, with a summary of its findings at

The report examined seven key areas:

1 Background and Objectives
2 Method and sample
3 Knowledge Of The Gaelic Language Today
4 Support for the Gaelic language
5 Identity
6 Relevance and value of Gaelic
7 Gaelic In Education

The Am Paipear newspaper, from the Uists, has a handy summary of the findings at - here's the key bit:

* 65 per cent thought more should be done to promote Gaelic in Scotland
* 81 per cent feel it is important that Scotland does not lose its Gaelic language traditions
* 70 per cent thought there should be more opportunities to learn Gaelic
* 90 per cent thought pupils should be taught Scottish studies.
* 53 per cent would like to see more Gaelic in Scottish life

(Thanks to various tweeters, including @direcleit @BBCScotlandNews and @seaboardGaelic. Tha an sgeul anseo cuideachd 'sa Ghaidhlig)


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