
Tuesday 6 September 2011

National Family History Fair 2011

A quick reminder that the National Family History Fair 2011 takes place this coming Saturday in Newcastle, at the Newcastle Central Premier Inn, from 10am-4pm, admission £3. It's a great chance to meet many key vendors as well as to attend talks by William Roulston, Nick Barratt and Laurence Harris (tickets for these are limited and £3 each - please ask to purchase them when you come in if you wish to attend, they will go quickly).

I'll be helping at the event, taking tickets, introducing speakers etc, but if you have any Scottish queries I'll be more than happy to help if I can - just come and find me! :)

If you haven't been before, and don't know if it is worth crossing the border - trust me, it is a great occasion. It's at a great central venue and many key groups will be there, including Ancestry, the National Archives (Kew), the Scottish Association of Family History Societies, Your Family History magazine, The Genealogist, Anguline Research Archives, and more. Full details at

Look forward to hopefully seeing you there!


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