
Tuesday 25 October 2011

Coming soon: Irish Family History Resources Online

My next major book project is about the murder of an ancestor of mine, which will be published next year, but whilst working on that I have also managed to put together another guide for Australian based publishing company Unlock the Past, provisionally entitled Irish Family History Resources Online. The book will describe how much research can be done online if you have Irish connections and will conclusively show that the glass is definitely half-full with Irish research, rather than half-empty! :)

I'll announce when it is published soon, and details on how to purchase a copy - in the meantime, Unlock the Past has a whole range of titles for sale at, predominantly for the Australian and New Zealand markets, though including many titles of equal interest on this side of the world. Amongst those offerings you will also find another title which I produced for them earlier this year, entitled Discover Scottish Church Records, which I am delighted to say has been doing really well down under!

More news soon...! :)



  1. Hello Chris, I would be most interested in this book. I've been fairly successful in tracing my family but for those from Ireland. In fact, I would go so far as to say I gave up for a while there but perhaps your book will give me the information I need to take another look. I'll keep my eye open for publication information. Thanks, Elizabeth W

  2. Should be published fairly soon Elizabeth - will announce more soon!

