
Sunday 30 October 2011

Genealogists for Families initiative

Judy Webster has been in touch from Australia to ask me to give theGenealogists for Families initiative a quick plug. The scheme works by allowing genealogists the chance to make small loans of $25, via a non-profit organisation called Kiva, to low income families or businesses across the world. When the loan is paid back the genealogist can reclaim the money or re-invest it again. Genius!

It seems a great idea, and I've just signed up and made my first loan - I'm sure they'd welcome yours as well!

(With thanks to Judy Webster)



  1. Chris, thank you *so* much for joining the team and mentioning our project here and on Twitter. I confess that I was a bit nervous about asking you! :-)

  2. My pleasure Judy - no need to be nervous though, I'm just a wee shug like everyone else! lol :)

    Great initiative, I'll give it a plug in a couple of mags also that I do news content for - good luck with it!


  3. Thank you so much for joining our team and for mentioning the initiative on your blog :)

    (I'm the co-captain of the team and am helping out with publicity. The initiative is all Judy's idea inspired by her father. It is a wonderful project!)

  4. No probs - have mentioned it on British GENES also
    . Good luck!

