
Thursday 26 March 2020

Suspension of UK birth registration and other services

I noticed a tweet earlier from Jane Roberts suggesting that birth registrations have been suspended in Leeds, England, in line with GRO guidance, but that this should not affect the ability to claim Universal Credit or Child Benefit. A quick search online has shown many other registration offices in England similarly suspending the ability to register births, which in England normally has to be carried out within 42 days. This for example, is the advice on the Bracknell Forest registrar's site:

All birth registration appointments are suspended under the guidance of the General Register Office. In light of the current pandemic, you can now make a claim for child benefit or universal credit prior to the birth being registered.

The Hartlepool office suggests this as a consequence of measures brought in by the UK government:

On 23 March the Government introduced new measures to reduce the spread of coronavirus. During this period birth registration appointments have been suspended. The requirement for a birth to be registered before you are able to claim for Child Benefit or Universal Credit has been removed during this period.

I have been informed, however, that some services across the country are still in operation, at least for now, so check with your local registrar's office for its latest advice.

In Scotland, where births must be registered within 21 days, it seems a similar provision is now being implemented. The following is from the Glasgow registrar service:

All birth registration appointments are postponed with immediate effect. There is no need to worry about the 21 day time limit as extensions will be in place. Please continue to refer to our website for further updates during this time.

And on marriage,the following has also been posted by Glasgow:


Following Government advice there will be no ceremonies taking place with immediate effect.

If you have had to postpone your ceremony due to the health pandemic and wish to re-arrange a new date, please note that fresh marriage notice forms will not need to be submitted for a date fixed this year and no additional notice fees will be payable. For a date fixed in 2021 fresh marriage notice forms will need to be submitted, however no additional notice fees will be payable.

Marriage Schedules will not be issued for forthcoming ceremonies until further notice.

Schedules for ceremonies that have already taken place should be returned by post to Registrars, City Chambers Mail Room, George Square, Glasgow G2 1DU.

Marriage/Civil Partnership Notice Forms - We will no longer accept these in person and they must be posted along with daytime contact details, including email to:- Registration Office, Mail Room, City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow G2 1DU. Please only send the forms in if it is for a date that would appear to be out with the current restrictive period.

Additional registration service changes are listed at

Edinburgh has also noted the following:

Registration of births has been postponed until further notice. Births will be notified to DWP without being registered for the moment. Registrars are notified when a birth takes place prior to registration. 

As soon as the legislation is changed to allow this to happen we will forward the notification. We will update the website as soon as we have permission to pass the information on.

Please do not post or email the card issued from the hospital to the Registrar. It is extremely important that you keep these in your possession. These will be required when the baby’s birth is finally registered.

The registration of deaths is the priority of the registration service at this time

Guidance on further events in Edinburgh is at

There are also changes in Northern Ireland, where it seems pregistration of births is possible through a local GP - this is from the Belfast City Council site:

Coronavirus update

You can now register your child, without the HS123 registration form, at your GP practice.

You will need the following information when you contact them:

Your child’s health and care number. You will find this in the red book from the hospital.
Full name of the child.

The home address that your child will live at.
We are unable to register births until further notice.

If you have any queries, please email and we will contact you as soon as possible.

And from Swansea in Wales:

Please do not attend the Register Office in person unless you have a pre-arranged appointment or in the event of an emergency. If you are feeling unwell or have recently travelled abroad, please contact the office regarding your appointment/registration.

We are currently only accepting payment by card. We won't be accepting cash.

I am unclear just now whether such changes are mandatory at present, and thus universal across the UK, or simply following guidelines from the relevant governments. The bottom line is to check with your local registration service, and to plan accordingly.

(With thanks to @JaneElRoberts and @ChalfontR) 


You can pre-order my new book, Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, at (out April). Also available, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed) at and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records at Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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