
Friday 30 October 2020

Ancestry adds Queensland government railway workers database

If your ancestors emigrated to Queensland, Australia, and took up work in the railways, this new collection on Ancestry ( may be of interest:

Australia, Queensland, Index to Government Railways Workers, 1878-1946
Source: Caloundra Family History Research Inc. Queensland Government Railway Index to Staff Records. Caloundra, Queensland, Australia: 2003.

This collection contains an index to staff employed in various stations in the Queensland Government Railway from 1878-1946. While information available for individual records may vary, you may be able to find:

Age and Birth Date
Employment Start Date *When a date is not available, a year range is provided
Employment Start Place
Occupation and Industry

The following research tips have been provided by the Caloundra family History Research Inc.: “This is an Index to the Qld Government Railway (QGR) Staff Records Employed in Various Departments & Stations 1889 – 1912 held at QSA… Where an alias was given, another entry has been created referring back to the Register and page number. There may be more than one entry for a name…

Spelling variations for any surname should be taken into account and in many cases, given names have been abbreviated eg Wm, Patk, Alxd, Hy etc. While we may feel we know what these abbreviations represent, in most cases they have been left as is. Some names have been hard to decipher and all care has been taken to accurately record the information but the onus is on the research to check all probable entries…

The apostrophe has not been included in the Last Name Column so names such as O’Sullivan will be shown as O SULLIVAN. Surnames beginning with “Mac” will be found at the beginning of the “M Section”. Those beginning with “Mc” will be found alphabetically in the “M Section”. Where dates have been unable to be deciphered, a series of zeros have been inserted eg 00/00/0000 in the column for these dates.”


My next 5 week Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the Old Parish Registers course starts November 2nd - see My book Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, at is now out, also available are Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed) at and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records at Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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