
Friday 13 August 2021

My other wee hobby - Balcony Farm!

The things that a pandemic will drive you to! (Zoom was not enough!) 

Last year my wife and I decided to try and grow a few chillis in our Irvine based flat. We planted two cayenne plants and two habanero plants in our tiny balcony area, which basically acted like a third floor greenhouse, and the results lasted for months! (We still have some chilli powder left over!)

So this year, with the second year of the pandemic underway, we decided to get a bit more adventurous. Welcome to Balcony Farm! We planted potatoes, tomatoes, habaneros, cayennes, a chilli plant, garlic chives, rosemary, oregano, basil, mint, and capsicums, all of which have done us proud throughout the summer. We've already finished off the potatoes and the tomatoes, the herbs are like a perpetual energy machine (they - will - not - die!!!), the capsicums are biding their time for world domination, and the various chilli plants are preparing for one final big push.


There was one failure - the carrots didn't make it.... RIP carrots.

Family history used to be the hobby that took me away from the real world; now that family history is my job, this is stepping up to be an equally fun use of five minutes a day - just water and sit back.
(I'd appreciate some indoor carrot growing tips though!). It's also where I've written much of my last two books using my laptop, and where I've typed upo a few client reports, it's very relaxing on a third floor flat to be able to just step out into the 'garden' on a sunny day and just crack on! 

We've still to name the gnome... and I'm more than happy to hear any suggestions for what we could try next year!


Just out, Sharing Your Family History Online is on sale at Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, at is also out, as are Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed) at and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records at Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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