
Thursday 2 September 2021

More on Inverness Registrars' ScotlandsPeople access

I contacted the Inverness Registrars' service ( on Monday to enquire about the status of the ScotlandsPeople service provision there, and have received the following which may be of interest to those seeking access:

Good afternoon Chris,

Thank you for your enquiry and it does look like you have already been given a good steer on how we are currently operating.

We very much appreciate how keen our customer are to make use of the ScotlandsPeople terminals in Inverness.  You are quite correct that we are currently trialling 2 sessions a week with 2 terminals available.  We have been working through our waiting list of customers and offering spaces in order to allow everyone the opportunity for a 1st session back.

We don’t as yet have any immediate plans to extend the bookings to additional days or numbers of people.  Once we have worked through our list of customers, we will consider whether we open the diary for bookings on a first come first served basis.

Whilst we very much plan to return to our previous offering of 4 seats, 5 days per week in the future, I am unable to give an indication of a date for this.  Any enquiries for access should be emailed to

Kind Regards,

Lesley Gray, Chief Registrar
Highland Archive and Registration Centre,
Bught Road, Inverness IV3 5SS

COMMENT: The days being trialled are Tuesdays and Thursdays, with access from 10-4.30, although the room is closed for lunch from 12.45-2pm.

(With thanks to Lesley at Highland Archive and Registration Centre)

UPDATE: Just to add also, that having spent another morning at the Burns Monument Centre today, a wee handy bit of advice for you - take a jumper. When all the windows are open for ventilation, it gets a wee bit on the cool side!


Just out, Sharing Your Family History Online is on sale at Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, at is also out, as are Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed) at and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records at Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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