
Sunday 12 December 2021

Christmas competition - Who Wants?!

It's been a strange year, but by far the strangest part of it was the loss of my father in February. Having gone into hospital with a suspected urinary infection, he then suffered a heart attack, and just a few hours later was dead. For good measure, within an hour of his passing I was then informed that he had also just tested positive for Covid. It was a hell of a way to go.

I had intended to run a competition for my latest book, in which I was going to ask a family history themed question, and then do a draw from the correct answers received, as I have done in the past. However, I laughed earlier when I suddenly remembered a game that my Dad used to play with us when we were kids, in which he would suddenly shout out "Who wants?!", at which point my brother and I would race to give the answer - "Me!". It was a risk to do so, a game of chance, because sometimes the answer would lead to one of us getting a treat, whilst at others it would lead to the winner having to do a chore, such as doing the dishes or having to pop over to the local corner shop. 

So I've decided that as a wee nod to my Dad, and the fact that this will be the first Christmas for all of us without him, that the question for my competition is going to be a very simple one indeed:

 "Who wants?!" 

To be in with a chance of winning a copy of Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records, please send me an email at chrismpaton @ with the subject as 'Who Wants?', and in the body of the email, a simple single word answer - "Me!". 

Please also include your name after this, and the town where you are based. (For the purposes of this competition, I have to apologise, but state that this particular competition is for residents in the UK and Ireland only.)  

I'll do a draw next Sunday 19th December 2021 - if you're the winner, I will then contact you for your full address!

You have to be in it to win it... 

Who wants?! Me!

Good luck!


My new book Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records is now available to buy at Also available - Sharing Your Family History Online, Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed), and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records - to purchase, please visit Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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