
Thursday 22 September 2022

WW2 - English and Welsh Women's Land Army cards added to Ancestry

Ancestry ( has added a new collection for the Second World War: 

UK, World War II Women's Land Army Index Cards, 1939-1948
Source: MAF 421: Ministry of Food: Women's Land Army: Index to Service Records of the Second World War. Kew, Surrey, England: The National Archives.

General Collection Information

This collection contains records of employment for those who served in the Women’s Land Army (WLA) from 1939 to 1948. The Women’s Land Army was established to help the country boost its wartime food production. Records in this collection consist of index cards to Second World War service records and are usually handwritten and are organised alphabetically by last name.

Using this Collection

This collection includes the following details:

    Any known aliases, including maiden names
    Employment county
    Employment place
    Age at enrollment
    Date of enrollment
    Date of employment
    Date of release
    WLA membership number

Comment: This is a collection for folk who worked in England and Wales, rather than in Scotland, but there are some Scots and Northern Irish folk listed as working down south, but with a noted residential address back home. TNA have produced a short guide at

Various records for the equivalent Scottish Women's Land Army are held at the National Records of Scotland, such as those for the Timber Corps, catalogued under AF59/285/1, and further Women's Land Army index cards for service records at AF59/285/1. From the NRS catalogue:

AF59/285/1 (Women's Land Army: Timber Corps)
"Index cards to service record files, arranged alphabetically. The cards give the name, address, date of birth, enrolment number, dates of interview and enrolment, dates and locations of training and employment, date and reason for leaving, and any comments. [The service record files have not survived.]"

AF59/285/2 (Women's Land Army)
"The cards give the name, address, date of birth, enrolment number, dates of interview and enrolment, dates and locations of training and employment, date and reason for leaving, and any comments. [3 of the service files have been preserved at NRS (refs: AF59/245, AF59/246, and AF59/247) but the remainder have not survived.]"

Check the NRS catalogue for further details at


My new book Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records is now available to buy at Also available - Sharing Your Family History Online, Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed), and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records - to purchase, please visit Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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