
Wednesday 9 November 2022

Three Europeans on new board of the Association of Professional Genealogists

The Association of Professional Genealogists ( has announced the results of its recent board election, with three European genealogists added to the board, John Boeren from the Netherlands (for a third term), David Ryan from Cork, Ireland, and to Markus Schönherr from Austria, as well two members as to its nominations commitee. The following is the announcement:

APG Announces New Board and Nominations Committee Members

The Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), the world’s largest association for the genealogical profession, has announced the results of its election for board members and nominations committee members. The APG membership elected six at-large board members for two-year terms, and two nominations committee members were elected for one-year terms. Both terms begin on 1 January 2023.


John Boeren, LLM, PLCGS (Netherlands): John Boeren is a genealogy professional based in the Netherlands, where his business, Antecedentia, offers research and heritage trips. He attended the School for Archivists in The Hague and the National Institute for Genealogical Studies. John, a member of the boards of The Hidden Branch and THE Genealogy Show, is a frequent author and speaker.

Karin Coppernoll, PLCGS (US – Washington): Karin Coppernoll is a professional genealogist with more than forty years of research experience and is the sole proprietor of Brick by Brick Genealogy, a genealogy consulting business. She is the treasurer for both the Puget Sound Chapter of APG and the Olympia Genealogical Society, and previously served as secretary of the Washington State Genealogical Society.

Alec Ferretti (US – New York): Alec Ferretti, a New York City-based professional genealogist, works for the Wells Fargo Family & Business History Center, researching family histories for high-net-worth clients. A graduate of the New York University and Long Island University dual master’s program in archives and library science, Alec serves as the President of the New York Genealogy & Technology Group and is a member of the board of Reclaim the Records.

Margaret R. Fortier, CG® (US – Massachusetts): Margaret Fortier is a professional researcher, speaker, and writer with a focus on immigrants to New England. She is a facilitator for the Certification Discussion Group (CDG), a mentor for the GenProof study group, and a mentor for the CDG Mentor program. Margaret is chair of the Board for Certification of Genealogists Webinar Committee and served on the Board for the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc.

David Ryan (Ireland): David Ryan is a professional genealogist, tour guide, and oral historian based in Cork City, Ireland. He has a master’s degree in medieval history and a diploma in genealogy from University College Cork, and is a graduate of ProGen Study Group 39. David is the Communications Chair for the Oral History Network of Ireland.

Markus Schoenherr (Austria): Markus Schoenherr is a professional genealogist living and working in Vienna, specializing in Central and Eastern European research. He has served on boards and commissions of various associations in Europe, giving him exposure to cultural differences in how associations operate in different countries. He formerly worked in financial planning and accounting, holding a business degree from the University of Passau, Germany.


Shannon Musfelt (US – Florida): Shannon Musfelt is the owner of Benchmark Genealogy, specializing in Northeast, South, and Midwest United States research and DNA analysis. A graduate of the Boston University Certificate in Genealogical Research Program and GenProof Study Group, Shannon volunteers as a Search Angel, assists the Salt Lake Institute of Genealogy (SLIG) Academy as a Hiveminder, and volunteers with the Polish Genealogy Society of America.

Elizabeth Swanay O’Neal (US – California): Elizabeth Swanay O'Neal is a professional genealogist, writer, and speaker, specializing in methodology, technology, and online research resources. She has studied at the National Institute for Genealogical Research, the Forensic Genealogy Institute, and SLIG. Elizabeth is president of the APG Southern California Chapter andthe Education & Programs Director for the Santa Barbara County Genealogical Society.

Statement from APG President Annette Burke Lyttle

“I am pleased to welcome this dedicated group of experienced genealogy professionals to APG’s  Board of Directors and Nominating Committee. Their diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise will bring new perspectives to APG’s leadership, strengthening our efforts to serve professional genealogists around the world. We look forward to exciting new initiatives in the new year.”

Congratulations to John, David, and Marcus, and to all who will be serving the APG for the forthcoming term!


My new book Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records is now available to buy at Also available - Sharing Your Family History Online, Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed), and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records - to purchase, please visit Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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