
Friday 28 April 2023

Sir Chris Hoy to open Scapa Flow Museum

This is the formal announcement from Orkney Islands Council for something I briefly mentioned earlier this week (see here) which is happening this weekend, on the Orcadian island of Hoy:

Hoy on Hoy

Hoy is set to enjoy a visit by champion cyclist and Olympian Sir Chris Hoy this weekend (29 April).

The special event, funded by EventScotland, will celebrate the treasures, past and future, of the island alongside Hoy’s glittering sporting legacy.

With a total of seven Olympic medals, six gold and one silver, Sir Chris is one of the most decorated Olympic cyclists of all time.

While in Hoy, Sir Chris will formally open the newly redeveloped Scapa Flow Museum, which tells the story of the transformation of Hoy from peaceful island community to nerve centre of the Royal Navy during the world wars.

Highlights of Hoy’s visit will include a spotlight on the legacy of his success in his sport, with a fun short community cycling circuit led by Sir Chris at 1:30pm. He will also be presenting Bikeability certificates to pupils from North Walls Community School.

In another nod to Sir Chris’s legacy and the rising popularity of cycling in Scotland - as Glasgow hosts the World Cycling Championships in August this year - the Orkney Cycling Club will have members riding to Lyness from Moaness, with an anticipated arrival time of around 12.30pm.

During a private tour of the new Museum for Sir Chris and key funders of the redevelopment, staff from Orkney Islands Council’s Museums team will refer to the importance of bikes to military history and life at the Naval Base on Hoy.

At midday, after a welcoming speech by Orkney Islands Council Convener Graham Bevan and a speech by Liz Davidson from the National Lottery Heritage Fund, Sir Chris will cut the ribbon to formally open the Museum.

That then marks the start of a community event showcasing the vibrant community in Hoy, starting with a Hoy Hounds display from 12:30.

A range of community events and stalls aimed at the entire family will be set up in the Museum car park from around midday, including:

    Lifeboat Guild who will provide teas and refreshments
    Peedie Bite Burger Van
    Lifeboat Crew - and lifeboat!
    Lifeboat Museum – model of Thomas McCann to be on display
    Beach Gallery
    St Johns Church
    Craft Club
    Lego Club
    Youth Hub
    Blide Trust
    Dr Bike – free bike check ups and various cycles to try
    Carbon Neutral Islands stall

Cycling UK will also be on hand in the leadup to the fun community cycle with a selection of bikes to try out, including electric cargo bike, electric bikes, as well as balance and pedal bikes for children.

Cycle Orkney will also be available from 11am for anyone who wants a basic service or minor maintenance on their bike. Both of these activities are free of charge.

Anyone intending to take part in the community cycles are reminded to bring a helmet.

Leader of Orkney Islands Council and also Stromness and South Isles ward member, Councillor James Stockan, said: “I know the local community will be so proud to show Sir Chris the jewels of their island - among them the new Scapa Flow Museum, one of many beating hearts of Hoy and a bridge from a rich past to an equally vibrant future.

“We’re delighted to have Sir Chris Hoy on Hoy, to help us formally open this fantastic facility, and to celebrate with us his legacy and witness for himself the wonderful landscape of Hoy.”

Ward Councillor Lindsay Hall who has worked with the Hoy community to shape the event added: “We hope through this special visit and community event that people will be inspired by Sir Chris Hoy’s Olympic achievements and legacy to get out and enjoy the cycling delights Hoy and the wider Orkney landscape offers, and the physical and mental benefits being active brings."

Anyone intending to visit Hoy that day is asked to note that Scapa Flow Museum is closed to the public until 10.30am, with the café closed all day.

Public toilets are available within walking distance of the Museum at the Lyness ferry waiting room.

Keep an eye on for any further updates. 


Comment: As mentioned in my write up of my visit to Orkney last week, this may well be Scotland's best museum, it is wonderfully put together, and there is more to come, with another outbuilding hosting additional resources currently being worked on. If you can get to Hoy tomorrow, fantastic; if you can't, do try to get to Hoy at some stage in the future, I'm sure they would be delighted to see you, and you won't regret it!

(With thanks to Jane Harris via Twitter @janeology)



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