
Friday 16 June 2023

In Search of a Knockloughrim Son in Bridgeton

I have an article in the latest journal from the Glasgow and West of Scotland Family History Society (issue 127), entitled 'In Search of a Knockloughrim Son in Bridgeton'. It follows the story of my great grandfather Robert Currie, who was born in Termoneeny, Co. Londonderry, in 1867. He made his way to Glasgow in the 1890s, had a brief spell in the Police, and then worked for the City Corporation. However, a real personal barrier to me researching Robert for many years was his membership of the so-called 'loyal orders' (the Orange Order and the Royal Black Preceptory), which I personally have no time for. The article discusses how I overcame this to work out his story, and how I eventually located his gravestone in Glasgow, in a different graveyard to that which the city council told me he was buried in.

There is actually an extraordinary coincidence on the cover of the journal. The picture at the bottom left is Robert's grave, to help promote the article on him. The picture of the church beside it is actually there to illustrate another article entirely, but in fact that church is where Robert's daughter, my Nan, Jean Paton (Currie), workshipped! It's Joymount Presbyterian, Carrickfergus, and is also where my parents married in 1969, and where I attended BB for a year before we moved house. Just out of shot from the church is a row of six houses called Robinson's Row, where my nan lived for over 20 years, and where I lived as a kid for 2 years after my dad inherited the place. I was very surprised, but delighted to see it - I have a lot of great memories from that part of Carrick as a kid!

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