
Wednesday 19 July 2023

Discover Your Scottish Ancestors study afternoon

I'm delighted to announce that on October 21st 2023 I will be doing an event online for the UK's Family Tree and History Scotland magazines, entitled the Discover Your Scottish Ancestors study afternoon. The event will include three lectures given online by myself, with ample times for questions and answers between each, and at the end. 

The following is the programme for the afternoon, with talks at various levels of expertise:

Discover Your Scottish Ancestors study afternoon, 21 October

Join us for an afternoon of three Scottish family history masterclasses with genealogist Chris Paton.

History Scotland and Family Tree present a live Zoom event with genealogy expert Chris Paton. Join us on 21 October for three masterclasses, with a Q&A after each.

What's included?

* Discover Your Scottish ancestors

In this session Chris will provide a broad overview on the main record sets to help you get under way with your Scottish family history research, including civil records for births, marriages and deaths, censuses, parish and kirk session records, wills, and more. In addition, he will show how such records can be located and accessed both offline and online. Starts 1pm *

* Instantly Buckled for Life: Scottish Marriage Records

The law on marriage in Scotland has differed extensively in comparison to the rest of the United Kingdom, with many types of records available for research, whether those marriages were 'regular' or 'irregular'. Chris will discuss the legal history of Scottish marriage, provide case studies to illustrate the various situations in which they were created, and dispel some myths along the way! (PS: This is not a marriage guidance session!) Starts 2.30pm *

* Understanding Scottish Land Records

One of the richest sources of research material for Scottish genealogists is that documenting the very land itself. Chris will start by exploring basic records of occupancy in the country, including censuses, directories, valuation records and rentals, before doing a deeper dive into the nature of Scottish feudalism (and udal tenure), exploring how land was both conveyed in the country, and inherited across time. Starts 4pm *

Your ticket includes:

Access to all three masterclasses and Q&A sessions on Zoom
The chance to ask Chris Paton your Scottish family history question at the end of each talk (subject to timings and demand)
A copy of the recording to watch on-demand for 7 days

How to book

Tickets for the study afternoon are £25 (£20 for magazine subscribers)

To sign up, please visit (I'll update with the Family Tree link when it becomes available) 


Order Tracing Your Belfast Ancestors in the UK at Also available - Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records, Sharing Your Family History Online, Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed), and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records - to purchase, please visit For the USA visit Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.


  1. So the class will start at 5 a.m. in San Francisco, CA?

  2. I presume so, there's an 8 hour time difference (unless clocks change!). However recordings will be available for up to a week after the event.
