
Sunday 16 July 2023

LivingDNA adds chromosome browser

From LivingDNA (

We cannot contain our ex-segment!!!

You can now use the Living DNA Chromosome browser to establish further details on how you and your matches are related.

Within family matching you can now use the Shared DNA tab to discover which parts of the Chromosome you have in common with your matches and which parts you do not.

To view Chromosome browser click into your match and click the Shared DNA tab.

This information will help you establish how you are related to each of your matches. You can write down anything your discover in the notes section.

Haven't yet opted in to family matching?

Opt in to family matching now. You will receive your match list within 7 days and you can begin to explore the features available.

Comment: A chromosome browser is a very useful tool to help identify DNA matches, by looking for shared segments of DNA between an identified genetic cousin and the profile being matched with. On this front, it's one up to LivingDNA versus Ancestry, which is still languishing in some weird abyss over the issue.

But there is more than one abyss, and Living DNA still has no tree matching facility worth talking about, which would be far more useful. This remains the holding message on the issue:

The seed has been planted! Our new family tree feature is growing every day. We are working on a way to display your matches in a way that is simple to understand, and is based on your genetics.

In development

Come on folks, you were the future once, and this is the diametric opposite of the death of a thousand cuts...


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