
Friday 18 August 2023

My presentations for The Villages Genealogical Society on Wed 23rd August 2023

Next Wednesday 23rd August I'll be giving two online presentations to The Villages Genealogical Society ( in Florida:

Wednesday, August 23
VGS General Monthly Meeting  (VGS Monthly Meeting)
10:00 am (Florida time, Eastern)
ZOOM Meeting Only 

Guest Speaker:  Chris Paton

1st Presentation:  Genealogy Without Borders
As family historians, we can be tempted to try to tell the stories of our ancestors solely from the resources in the areas where they once lived, overlooking an important part of our ancestral stories which is the plight of those family members who left our shores. As part of a wider worldwide diaspora, Chris will show how many emigrant family members provided him with clues to their stories overseas, often with records that plugged the missing gaps in research for family members back home.
2nd Presentation:  British and Irish Newspapers
Records of births, marriages and deaths provide a fantastic starting point for identifying our ancestors' names and where they lived, but in terms of trying to uderstand how those ancestors once lived, there is no better resource to plunder than a good newspaper. Over the last two centuries in particular, newspapers have recorded the daily events that have shaped our forebears' lives, and in many cases have identified specific tales about them, as well as notices and advertisements directly concerning them and their contemporary communities.
Speaker's Bio:
Chris Paton is a genealogist and writer based in Ayrshire, Scotland, where he runs the Scotland's Greatest Story research service at As well as contributing to many of the UK's best-known family history magazines, he also writes for his own Scottish GENES news blog at, and regularly gives talks to family history societies across the UK and worldwide.
To attend this Zoom only meeting:  please register in advance by clicking HERE.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

I hope that you can join us!


Order Tracing Your Belfast Ancestors in the UK at Also available - Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records, Sharing Your Family History Online, Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed), and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records - to purchase, please visit For purchase in tthe USA visit Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, on Threads at @scottishgenesblog and via Mastodon at

1 comment:

  1. Chris, do you know if this event will be recorded so Aussies can watch it back later? Thanks :)
