
Saturday 30 September 2023

Sgeulaiche Gàidhlig air ainmeachadh / Gàidhlig Storymaker announced

Bhon Leabharlann Nàiseanta na h-Alba /From the National Library of Scotland ( 

Tha sinn toilichte ainmeachadh gun deach an dreuchd chliùiteach mar a’ chiad Sgeulaiche Ghàidhlig a bhuileachadh air an sgrìobhadair agus craoladair Curstaidh NicDhòmhnaill. Chaidh an dreuchd a bhrosnachadh le taisbeanadh dà-chànanach làithreach an Leabharlainn ‘Sgeul | Story: Sgeulachdan bho Ghaidhealtachd na h-Alba’. A’ tarraing air dualchas beul-aithris a tha a’ dol air ais fad linntean mòra, tha an dreuchd ag amas air a’ Ghàidhlig a bhrosnachadh tro sgeulachdan cruthachail.

We’re pleased to announce that writer and broadcaster Kirsty MacDonald has been selected as the Library’s first Gàidhlig Storymaker. The post was inspired by the Library’s current dual-language exhibition, ‘Sgeul | Story: Folktales from the Scottish Highlands’. Drawing from a centuries-old oral storytelling tradition, the role aims to promote Gaelic language through creative storytelling practice. The 12-month Gàidhlig Storymaker position is funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig.

Barrachd fiosrachaidh / Further information -


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