
Sunday 19 November 2023

Glasgow and West of Scotland FHS research centre and library in Partick

Following my post last week asking if Scotland's family history communities are developing 'Long Zoom' (, i.e. a fear of returning to in-person meetings alongside the convenience of holding meetings via Zoom for overseas attendees, I had an interesting response from Murray Archer, minutes secretary of the Glasgow and West of Scotland FHS, who outlined several factors making it difficult for a return to in-person gatherings. These include the escalated costs to hire venues in the last few years, diminishing numbers of attendees, and pandemic induced concerns. But one thing Murray also mentioned was that members of the society, and indeed the public, are always welcome to visit the society's research centre and library premises in Partick to carry out research, or indeed, to just pop in for a cup of tea! 

You can find details of the society research centre's opening hours at, and remember that the centre is also now an affiliate centre for FamilySearch (see

(With thanks to Murray Archer)


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1 comment:

  1. No need to join then... if I as a member of the public can wander in, do research and get tea too!!!
