
Friday 8 December 2023

Association of Genealogy Educators and Schools (AGES) conference - call for presentations

I've beee asked to plug the following call for papers, for the annual conference of the Association of Genealogy Educators and Schools (AGES):

Call for presentations

We invite participants and potential speakers to the annual conference of the Association of Genealogy Educators and Schools (AGES) ( This virtual conference, to be held 16 March 2024 on Zoom (from 08.00PST/15.00GMT/16.00CET to 13.00PST/20.00GMT/21.00CET) will bring together international participants involved with, or interested in genealogy/family history education at the college/university level.

Founded in 2018, the Association of Genealogy Educators and Schools supports developing the academic field of genealogy and family history via Teaching, Training and Research.

The theme of the conference is “The influence of technology on academic genealogy and family history”.

We are defining technology as ‘the application of conceptual knowledge for achieving practical goals’ [See: ] thus we anticipate a broad set of responses. Represented technologies could include DNA testing, software, generative AI, virtual learning environments, data modeling, databases and much more.  

Speakers from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds are invited to share their experiences and thoughts around the following topics:

  • The use of technology in teaching genealogy and family history (for example to facilitate accessibility or to reach broader and more diverse audiences)
  • What challenges or opportunities does changing technology provide?  (for example the use of DNA to promote biases or mis-information).
  • Ways in which technology advances (or hinders) the ability for genealogy to work with other disciplines
  • Social networking and the dissemination of genealogical research

Proposals outside these topics will also be considered.

Submission guidelines

The conference committee invites proposals for individual or co-presented presentations. Presentations can be 15 or 25 minutes in length and time will be set aside for questions and answers. Breakout sessions will be used for 15 minute presentations which will be grouped by topic and time provided for discussion at the end of each session.

Proposals must be submitted via email by January 15, 2024. Acceptance decisions will be sent out by the end of January 2024.

 Speaker proposal requirements:

●        Brief CV, including contact information (phone, address, email)
●        List relevant past conference or speaking experience
●        Choose from one or more of the topics above or summarize the topic you have chosen
●        Up to 200 word description of talk length, focus and content and a presentation title

Recordings of the talks will be provided to AGES members via a members’ only webpage. Submission of a proposal indicates your agreement to this recording and provision. If you wish to limit the time a recording is available, please indicate this in your proposal.

We encourage speakers to join AGES (US $50 annual membership includes conference entry) but entry to the virtual conference will be free to speakers. See for membership application and information.

Send queries or proposals to

(With thanks to Tahitia McCabe)


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