
Friday 8 March 2024

FindmyPast adds Irish Land Commission loan records 1891-1920

FindmyPast ( has added the following major Irish record set:

Ireland, Land Commission Advances, 1891-1920

Next up we have another brand new record set, Irish Land Commissions which includes 741,255 records.

Covering 1891 to 1920, these records contain details of tenants who were able to buy the farm they occupied from their landlord and will contain the names of both parties, as well as where the farm was and how much was paid. 

The collection is accessible at

The dataset documents loans advanced to tenants under the Irish land purchase acts, as published by HMSO in its Returns of Advances Under the Irish Land Purchase Acts. Whilst it covers the whole of Ireland, this will be particularly useful for those researching in the Republic, where the actual land commission records are not available to the public (unlike those for Northern Ireland, long story!), nor the Cancelled Land Books online, the follow on from Griffith's Valuation (although these are currently being digitised, and will be made available online in due course). Although the same books for this period for Northern Ireland are available online (as PRONI's Valuation Revision Books collection), these records are still useful to show the amounts loaned to Ulster-based tenants also.

The following is an example of a loan made to folk in the townland of Ballymartin in County Antrim, including likely extended family members from my family on the Bill and Coulter lines:

And the record for my wife's great great grandmother Margaret Murray in Tibberaghny (Tybroughney) townland in Co. Kilkenny, showing a loan granted to her of £180 for her farm of some 129 acres:

You can find out more on records concerned with the Irish Land Commission in my book Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records, available from Pen and Sword in the UK at, and from the USA at



Order Tracing Your Belfast Ancestors in the UK at Also available - Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records, Sharing Your Family History Online, Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed), and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records - to purchase, please visit For purchase in tthe USA visit Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, on Threads at @scottishgenesblog and via Mastodon at

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