Friday, 1 July 2022

Has the NRS breached the Archive Service Accreditation standard?

I wrote to the Archive Service Accreditation team at the UK National Archives last week about the National Records of Scotland, enquiring as to whether the ongoing disruption to access of records at NRS is a breach of the standard by the archive.
I have just received the following response: "Dear Mr Paton, Thank you for your email. This is just a short note to confirm receipt and that it has been shared with the Archive Service Accreditation programme chair as part of the ongoing oversight of Accredited Services."
I have enquired as to whether there be any further feedback from the programme chair, and will report back as and when.
If others feel that the standard has been breached, you can write to the team at
The standard itself is explained at - my enquiry has asked whether provisions 1.4, 3,2 and 3.3 have been breached. 

My new book Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Through Land Records is now available to buy at Also available - Sharing Your Family History Online, Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed), and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records - to purchase, please visit Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.

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