
Tuesday 28 July 2009

Charles Kennedy to give Angus MacLeod Memorial lecture

From the Islands Books Trust:

The next annual lecture in honour of the late Angus ‘Ease’ Macleod will be given on Thursday 22 October in Gravir, South Lochs, Lewis, by the Rt Hon Charles Kennedy MP. The title of the lecture will be Crofting and a European Future and Mr Kennedy will look at current and anticipated developments for crofting in the context of wider political and policy changes within the EU.

Commenting on the announcement, John Randall, chairman of The Islands Book Trust, which in conjunction with Comunn Eachdraidh na Pairc organises the annual event, said: ‘We are absolutely delighted that Charles Kennedy has agreed to give this year’s memorial lecture. The event has become established as one of the highlights of the historical and cultural calendar in the Western Isles, and there can be no doubt that a speaker of Mr Kennedy’s stature will be a great attraction. His subject is particularly appropriate, given Angus Macleod’s leading role in setting up the Scottish Crofters Union in the 1980s, and we look forward to a great occasion in South Lochs.’

Charles Kennedy was born in Inverness in 1959 and was educated at Lochaber High School and Glasgow University. He has been a Highland MP since 1983, his present constituency being Ross, Skye and Lochaber, in which capacity he has always taken a close interest in crofting and rural development issues. He was leader of the Liberal Democrat party in the UK from 1999 to 2006, and is currently President of the European Movement in Britain and Rector of Glasgow University.

Angus ‘Ease’ Macleod was born in Calbost, South Lochs, in 1916, and died in 2002. During his long life, he was a crofter, seaman, Harris Tweed manufacturer, and businessman. He was the driving force behind the establishment of a new Scottish Crofters Union in 1985, and the memorial cairns in honour of the heroes of the Land Struggle in Lewis. He left behind the Angus Macleod Archive – a remarkable collection of books, personal papers, recordings and photographs about South Lochs and Lewis history. The Archive is open to the public at the Ravenspoint Centre, Kershader, South Lochs, Lewis, or via the website

For further details of this year’s Angus Macleod memorial lecture on 22 October, and the Angus Macleod Archive, see or phone 01851 880737 or 01851 880365.

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