
Tuesday 28 July 2009

The Scottish Banner (A' Bhratach Albannach)

A quick plug for a newspaper that helped me many years ago when living in Bristol, which I came across at the Gathering! The Scottish Banner, aka A' Bhratach Albannach, is an internationally sold newspaper in existence from 1976 dealing with all things Scottish. When in Bristol I used it to practice reading articles in Scottish Gaelic, which I was learning at the time - sadly the newspaper apparently no longer carries articles in Gaelic, but is still a fantastic resouirce for Scottish ex-pats living around the world who want to keep in touch with developments here in Scotland.

From its website at

Each month the Scottish Banner accesses a large number of individuals, pipe band members, society and clan members, history and genealogy groups and more; all with a direct interest in Scottish products and information. The Scottish Banner is available by home subscription, at newsagents, Scottish shops, at highland games and special events and various other outlets depending on your location.

The website also has recent sample issues which can be read in PDF format.

Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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