
Friday 31 July 2009

Fiona MacKenzie's interactive Gaelic song map

I'm a big fan of the Gaelic language (Gàidhlig) and at all efforts to promote it (and indeed Doric and Lallans!). Just found Fiona J. MacKenzie's Twitter page which has led me to a great page that she has created - an interactive map of Scotland with links to samples from some of her Gaelic songs. It's well worth exploring at - there's also further details on some of her albums on the site, and a link to a forum about her work.

For those not in the know, Fiona is a brilliant Gaelic singer based in Dingwall, who has recorded with Arthur Cormack, amongst others.

UPDATE: Fiona has started a new blog, and will be posting lyrics to her songs through her new Gaelic Song of the Day feature. First up is A' Choille Ghruamach (The Gloomy Forest)

Direach sgoinneil...!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research


  1. Taing mhor airson a mhention Chris! Im trying to work out how to re-tweet so I can retweet you bt not havingmuch luck so far- probably very simple but Im just missing it somehow!
    N dochas gu bheil sibh gu math co dhiubh
