
Saturday 1 August 2009

GOONS increase subscription rates

From Dick Eastman's blog, news that the Guild of One Name Studies (aka the GOONS) is increasing its subscription rates:

The Guild of One-Name Studies is increasing its subscription rate to £15.00 with effect from the 1st November 2009. This is the first increase in the Guild’s subscription rate for twelve years. A subscription is payable on joining, and then annually on 1st November each year. Applications processed before the 1st August will be deemed to be for that year, and another subscription will be due on the next 1st November. Members joining before 1st August will receive a Welcome Pack containing the latest Register and the Journal back numbers for that year.

However, anyone wishing to join the Guild after 31st July will not be required to pay their next subscription until 1st November of the following year. They will receive a Welcome Pack containing the latest Register, but not the Journal back numbers. Join now and receive up to 15 months membership of the Guild of One-Name Studies.

Full story at

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