
Tuesday 4 August 2009

Events at the National Library of Scotland

Details of further events at the NLS...

The Original Export: Stories of Scottish emigration

This exhibition continues its run until October 11th. From the NLS website at

Journey alongside Scots emigrants, who left their homeland in search of a better life. Find out how they managed to form new communities abroad, while retaining a strong sense of Scottish identity. 'The Original Export' exhibition runs from 26 June to 11 October 2009.

Drawing on personal letters and journals for inspiration, our summer exhibition explores the experience of Scottish emigration over the past 300 years.

Colourful brochures and posters reveal how and why Scots were attracted to seek new lives overseas. Music, song, poetry, film, maps, and artefacts bring our collections to life.

In addition, the NLS is also hosting a one day Sikh Heritage event in September:

Gardner Sahib

23 September 1-2pm

Join us for a special event, as part of the Anglo Sikh Heritage Trail, on Colonel Alexander Haughton Gardner. How did a man born in America to Scottish parents come to be a key member of Maharajah Ranjit Singh's army?

Drawing on historical accounts of the time, Eve Haddow will explore this colourful character and examine Colonel Gardner's role in the Punjab, both as soldier and eyewitness.

Booking and further information on the ASHT site.

Lots to do, so little time to do it...! :)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research

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