
Tuesday 4 August 2009

National Library of Scotland - more maps!

One thing Scotland is certainly not short of is a good online map! However, if you disagree, have a wee juke at the following from the National Library of Scotland:

We have added to our website 13,000 Ordnance Survey 25 inch to the mile maps, dating between 1855-1882. This takes our collection of online maps from around 6,000 to 20,000.

These maps are the earliest and most detailed mapping of all Scotland's inhabited regions. They give good details of features such as buildings, streets, farmland and rivers. The series includes all Scottish towns, villages and cultivated rural areas.

For a small fee, we can supply high-quality images and striking colour printouts of the maps. Just contact

In addition, the library has also announced the following:

Some early maps, with a Homecoming theme, are on display in the Map Library. The maps focus on the Scots military commanders, Sir George Murray
(1772-1846) and Sir John Moore
(1761-1809), and related military mapping from the Peninsular War.

This year is also the bicentenary of both the Battle of Talavera and of La Coruna / Corunna, and we have colourful plans of both of these battles on display.

These exhibits can be seen in the Map Library for the next few months.

Now if all else fails, and you still can't find your way around our beautiful land, just remember that the sun rises in the east in the morning and sets in the west at night. (What do ye mean, "what's the sun?!")

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