
Saturday 22 May 2010

Bah humbug - Murdoch Press not impressed

James Murdoch is not a happy bunny about the fact that the British Library is partnering with Brightsolid to digitise 40 million pages of the institution's newspaper collection over the next ten years. Reported in the Guardian, our friendly neighbourhood Media Murdoch stated the following:

"The case of the British Library goes even further. Just yesterday, the library announced the digitisation of their newspaper archive – originally given to them by publishers as a matter of legal obligation.

"This is not simply being done for posterity, nor to make free access for library users easier, but also for commercial gain via a paid for website. The move is strongly opposed by major publishers. If it goes ahead, free content would not only be a justification for more funding, but actually become a source of funds for a public body."

He also describes the move as "controversial". Not for this humble researcher...!

It just so happens that Murdoch is also in talks with Google about possible compensation from the internet company for aggregating News International media content on its site. So there.

The full story is at

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