
Saturday 22 May 2010

National Archives of Scotland - photography trial

As announced recently on this blog (see Cameras at the Ready on May 11th), the National Archives of Scotland is holding a trial period for photography at West Register House. The institution has released further details now about the three month trial at

The key conditions:

The Search Room Officer must be consulted on every occasion to determine whether there are any copying restrictions and ensure that the material is robust enough for this process.

Flash photograph and tripods are not permitted

Sound must be switched off at all times

Care should be taken to avoid disturbing other readers

Items must be handled with care at all times and laid on the tables, or camera stand provided, for copying.

Only standard Search Room weights and supports should be used to hold records in place. Folding, smoothing or any action which may damage the record is forbidden.

Anybody wishing to use the service must also abide by copyright rules, as noted in the online leaflet.

Spot on, NAS!

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