
Friday 21 May 2010

Your Family Tree 91 on sale

The latest issue of Your Family Tree (number 91, June 2010) is on sale with 'Genealogy Advice You Can Trust'! (Says so on the cover, and I know the editor, he never lies!)

This time round, Adam Rees explores the future of the National Archives in a cost cutting era, Paul Reed looks at military photographs and portraits, Audrey Linkman looks at historic photos of athletes, Ian Waller examines farming records, there's an article on genealogy fairs, another on how to trace Welsh ancestors, a look at Lincolnshire, and a brilliant piece on the rise and fall of child labour by Sophie Jackson. Yours truly has co-written a feature on time saving tips (with Andrew Chapman), and another piece on online records for research in the Republic of Ireland (Northern Ireland is covered next issue). There's also the usual regulars of case studies, surname explanations and more.

Free with this issue - not only the usual data CD, but a fifty page supplement sponsored by entitled Before 1837 The Essential Guide. 1837 was obviously when civil registration started in England and Wales, but the booklet actually covers the whole of the UK, and I've contributed fetaures on parish papers, wills and migration, but there's also material on the website, newspapers, diretories and college lists, criminal and court records, the nobility and gentry, published trees and Ancestry's World Archive's Project. Normally I'm not a great fan of such supplements, as they are usually tiny wee things, but this one is the size of a book and an absolute cracker - literally packed with useful info. The mag is £4.99 from all nice shops...

If you are new to YFT, there is also a 228 page special on sale entitled Get Started in Family History exclusively available at WH SMith. It reprints some of the magazine's earlier articles, with many updated - there's a detailed piece on the ScotlandsPeople Centre, for example, which I've updated for it, and many others from other writers, again covering the whole UK. If you can't find it in WH Smith, you can order it from, priced £12.99.

Surely that's enough to keep you going for a while...?! :)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. Darn, that means the mag will cost an arm and a leg when it gets to this side of the puddle :) Usually worth it though.

  2. Main mag is still only £4.99 - it's the special that is £12.99!

