
Monday 28 June 2010

Researching Scottish Family History - not out of stock!

When I was at a family history fair in Troon a couple of weeks back, several people I spoke to told me they had been unable to get a hold of my book Researching Scottish Family History; when they had tried to buy it from a dreaded message had appeared saying 'Temporarily Out of Stock'.

In fact, you can purchase it from Amazon - under the 'Temporarily Out of Stock' message look below and you will see a link saying '2 new from £7.95'. Once you click on this two options will appear - the first 'Temporarily Out of Stock' - forget that, it's a waste of space! The second option is the one you want, which will allow you to order up a copy. It's to do with the publisher not selling direct to Amazon, or something like that (I've given up asking!). Apologies if you have experienced this, I only wrote the thing...! :)

However, don't forget that you can get it without postage and packing if you avail yourself of the reader's offer in the July issue of Discover my Past Scotland magazine (see last post).

If still having problems, the following vendors also have the book:

Family History Partnership -

The National Archives at Kew -

The ScotlandsPeople Centre bookshop in Edinburgh

Parish Chest -

Blackwell's -

Manchester and Lancashire FHS -

Institute of Heraldic and Genealogical Studies -

GENFair -

Hope that helps!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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