
Monday 28 June 2010

Discover my Past Scotland issue 21 on sale

The July issue of online magazine Discover my Past Scotland (issue 21) has gone on sale at

In this month's issue John Hannavy looks at early Scottish tourism, Michelle Higgs traces Scottish Jewish ancestors, Caroline Makein examines family heirlooms, Wendy Glass finds out about the first women students, Ruth Symes looks at Edinburgh in the 1840s, and Katie Howard finds family history resources in Ayrshire.

There's also an extract from yours truly's book Researching Scottish Family History, looking at the basics of Scottish heraldry, and there's also a great reader offer for my book at £7.95 only, with no charge for postage and packing. Yours truly also provides the latest Scottish genealogical news and product reviews, and all the other regulars are there also, including Q&As, events and bygone days.

It doesn't matter that Andy Murray is still playing at Wimbledon, buy it anyway - the man does sleep, and what better way can you inform and entertain yourself until he wakes up again?!!!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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