
Sunday 27 June 2010

ScotlandsPeople Centre website revamped

The website for the ScotlandsPeople Centre in Edinburgh has been revamped, making it considerably easier to navigate around.

As well as placing the most common FAQs in the Help section, the main navigation tabs have been substantially revamped. The Famous Scots tab links to details on those featured in the exhibition last year of the same name, but also the new Famous Scots Archives, which will be added to in future with details of many other prominent Scots. The About the records tab now contains summary details of all records collections made available by the centre's many contributing partners, whilst the Research tab has all the background info to these resources, such as lists of OPRs, parish and district lists, and more.

On the left of the main home screen are links to pages on the centre itself - and do take a look at the new Archivists' Garden section, "a unique garden planted with 57 plant species - all connected in some way to Scotland's collective memory, whether through myth and folklore, heraldry, or association with individual famous Scots". Something the internet will never truly convey!

The ScotlandsPeople Centre site is located at

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