
Thursday 26 August 2010

Friends of Perth and Kinross Archives newsletter

Jan Merchant from Perth and Kinross Archives tweeted earlier that she was preparing the next edition of the archive's Friends periodical, but also mentioned that the last edition from April is online at

The magazine includes two articles on King James VI Hospital in Perth, one on its origins by David Wilson, the other on the hospital's role as a feudal superior in the 19th century by yours truly (based on a university study I did in 2008), as well as a piece by Jan on the William of Lion Charter of 1210 (it's Perth's 800th annversary as a burgh), and a hunt for a weather vane in Dunning by Jim Gale!

The new issue will be out soon...

(With thanks to Jan Merchant)

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)


  1. The article by Graham Watson about Perthshire and the ‘45 in Newsletter 27 (October 2009) provided me with fascinating new information about my family in Coupar Angus.

    He wrote that: "In Coupar Angus, records show that Deputy Bailie Charles Hay was dragged out of David Clerk's alehouse and hauled to the Cross when 300 men of Lord Ogilvie's Regiment arrived in the town after harvest time. Hay was forced to read proclamations from the Pretender and others with two officers on either side of him with broadswords at his stomach. He was so hoarse with fear that they threatened to run him through if he didn't speak louder. He was also forced to find billets for the men, horses and baggage carts to carry them to Perth, and any weapons he could find. Later, a few days before the battle of Falkirk when Lord Drummond's French Regiment came through Coupar Angus on the march from Montrose to Perth, a party of rebels searched Hay’s house looking for him, stabbing the beds and threatening to kill Mrs. Hay (who fled) and burn the house down. Eventually he was tracked down and forced to find carts and horses for the march to Perth. Alas, this was not the end for poor Mr. Hay. After the rebellion he was arrested, taken to Perth and accused of acting as quartermaster for the rebels and of harassing the country people to come in with horses and carts. Eventually he was released."

    Charles Hay and his wife, Jean Haliburton, were my 6x great grandparents, as was David Clerk the owner of the alehouse.

    I found this information in the online newsletter via Google but now it seems to be unavailable, the URL having been overwritten by issue 28. Fortunately I saved a copy but it would be great to have all the back issues available and searchable online.

  2. I've actually made the same suggestion on back issues, hopefully it is something that can be made possible in the near future.

