
Thursday 26 August 2010

National Library of Scotland news

From the National Library of Scotland:

Battlefield plan of Culloden at Inverness Library
13-15 September

The battlefield plan of Culloden, dating from 1748, will be on display at the NLS roadshow in Inverness. Unique collection items will be on display and NLS staff will be on hand to answer questions at Inverness Library from 9 am each day. A programme of events, including talks on family history resources, Highland maps and information on remote access to NLS collections will be rounded off with an evening film screening of rare footage from the Scottish Screen Archive.

Treasures display: 450 years of the Scottish Reformation
1 September - 31 October, George IV Bridge building, Edinburgh

To commemorate one of the most important events in Scottish history, the Scottish Reformation, NLS will be displaying related material in the Treasures Display area throughout September and October. In August 1560, the Scottish Parliament approved the Scots Confession of Faith and passed three Acts: the jurisdiction of the Pope was thereby abolished and the church was re-established along Reformed lines. John Knox was the key figure in this development.

Unique and rare items on display include Lutheran tracts, prayer books, works by Knox and his Catholic critics, and much more.

New home for the Maps Reading Room
Causewayside building, Edinburgh

The Maps Reading Room is moving to street level and will be closed from Saturday 18 to Monday 20 September. It will re-open on Tuesday 21 September in the same building but with the new entrance around the corner at 159 Causewayside. There will be some disruption from mid-August as we prepare for the move and we apologise for any inconvenience this will cause but we hope that you will come and visit us in our new home.

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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