
Wednesday 1 September 2010

Attending the Sydney Expo 22-23 October 2010

So here is some VERY exciting news at this end! On Friday 22nd - Saturday 23rd October 2010 I will be attending the History and Genealogy Expo at the Parramatta RSL, Sydney, Australia, where I will be giving a series of Scottish based talks for those researching their Caledonian roots. This is something of a pre-announcement, as bookings for the talks will not be taken until early September, but for more information on the two day expo, one of Australia's largest ever, see Details on the talks etc will be added in the next few days.

The event will have many exhibitors and speakers in attendance, and is being organised by Unlock the Past with the support of the Society of Australian Genealogists.

There may be a few further announcements from this end in due course - very excited, and I look forward to seeing you all down under!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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