
Wednesday 1 September 2010

ScotlandsPeople website undergoes major revamp

As part of its next three year licensing deal, Brightsolid's major relaunch of the ScotlandsPeople website is now currently underway, with a MAJOR site upgrade currently in progress. Accessing the site at is currently returning the following message:

ScotlandsPeople is pleased to announce the launch of the new site on Wednesday 1 September. However, in order to ensure a smooth transition to the new site, we anticipate the site will be unavailable to customers from 0100 GMT (0200 BST) for up to 10 (ten) hours during this substantial upgrade. We trust you will bear with us over this time. We are sure that you will find the wait worth while. When the site goes live, there will be links to comprehensive help regarding the new and updated features that should make it easier than ever to search for your Scottish ancestors. For the first time ever customers will be able to plot search results on maps and the Catholic banns, marriages, deaths and burials will be available. Please be assured that all of your searches and images will be available on the new site.

When the site is available please continue to the home page. You may be asked to login before resuming your searching. For urgent concerns our help desk will be available for contacting during this time via email to

More soon!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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