
Wednesday 22 September 2010

Free student memberships to London based Irish society

The London based Irish Genealogical Research Society is offering ten free memberships for undergraduate and masters students, and for a maximum term of four years. The application deadline is December 30th 2010 for 2011 membership - there are more details at

The page does not state which discipline you need to be studying, it merely states that "you will need to demonstrate an interest in Irish genealogy and Family history". How this is to be evaluated is actually unclear - the application form merely states that you should give a "brief statement in support of your application", along with your personal details and those of the course you are studying. I suspect entries merely stating "I love my mum" with a nice cheesy photo of you and your mater at your wedding may not be considered a heavy enough burden of proof!

Nevertheless, if you do decide to go for it, membership will include four free academic journals a year on Irish matters, two newsletters and access to certain library facilities in London.

(With thanks to the Strathclyde Genealogy Survivors Group discussion board)

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