
Wednesday 22 September 2010

Thanks to Alloway & South Ayrshire FHS

A big thanks to Alloway and South Ayrshire FHS for their hospitality last night. I was at the society to give a talk on DNA and its potential uses in genealogy (basic summary:- Y-DNA tests, very useful, so many practical applications, but not always a magical solution to problems: MtDNA tests, don't bother, you'll die before it becomes useful!; autosomal DNA tests, new, exciting, perhaps limited usefulness for most people, but new kid on the block to keep an eye on).

Thanks especially to John and Pat Weston, with whom I had a nice bite to eat at the highly recommended Brig o' Doon House Hotel prior to the meeting, and to all who attended. I also managed to gain a glimpse of the new Burns centre being built in Alloway. That's a lot of wood...

There will be an information evening hosted by the society on Tuesday September 28th September at the IFE Wing Doonfoot Primary School, from 7.30pm-9.30pm "aimed at showing what we can offer to all those interested in researching their family tree by becoming a member". If you're in the area, why not pop in?!

Posing like my life depended on it - and take that back, I've lost half a stone in the last month!

Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)

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