
Wednesday 4 November 2020

FHF's Really Useful Family History Show on Sat 14th Nov

The Family History Federation's Really Useful Family History Show ( takes place on Saturday 14th November. Tickets are just £7 and can be purchased at

The following talks will be presented throughout the day:

Give your research the WDYTYA? Treatment (Sarah Williams)

Irish Catholic Church Records (Dr Jim Ryan)

Hidden in Plain Sight (Amelia Bennett)

Digitising the records in the Granite Mountain (Chris Norton)

Tracing Immigrant Ancestors up to World War II (Sue Gibbons FSG)

Relating a Name to a Place (Paul Carter)

Mixing DNA and the Paper Trail (Dr Penny Walters)

Beginning Family History Research (Steve Manning)

Making The Most of Your DNA Results – 10 Top Tips (Martin McDowell)

On the Right Track – Railway Ancestors (Ian Waller FSG)
My Ancestor was an Agricultural Labourer (Ian Waller FSG)

The FamilySearch Wiki (Whitney Peterson)

The Value of NLS Maps in Family History Research (Chris Fleet)

Beginning Scottish Research (Emma Maxwell)

Gentlemans’ Magazine as an Aid to Family Historians (Alan Ruston)

Trade & Occupation Sources (David Cufley)

Surnames in Genealogy (Darris Williams)

British Civilian POWS in World War One (Chris Paton)

An Introduction to Jewish Genealogy Sources and Resources (Jeanette Rosenberg OBE)

British Almshouses (Dr Judy Hill)

Mission creep (& why it matters) (Helen Tovey)

Techniques for Solving Scottish Genealogy Problems (Kirsty Wilkinson)

Tracing Welsh Family History (Beginner Level) (Eilir Ann Daniels)

Ideas for Researching Non-Conformist Ancestors (Jackie Depelle)

For more details on the speakers and their topics, please visit  As noted I will be giving a talk about the British and British Empire originated civilian prisoners of war who were interned in Ruhleben race course near Berlin in the First World War - for more background to this, please read my recent post at


Many exhibtors will also be in attendance, for details on these please visit

There will also be an Ask the Experts advice service throughout the day, for details on this visit

It should be a fun day, I'll hopefully see some of you there!


My next 5 week Scotland 1750-1850: Beyond the Old Parish Registers course starts November 2nd - see My book Tracing Your Scottish Family History on the Internet, at is now out, also available are Tracing Your Irish Family History on the Internet (2nd ed) at and Tracing Your Scottish Ancestry Through Church and State Records at Further news published daily on The Scottish GENES Facebook page, and on Twitter @genesblog.


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