John Hannay looks at the pleasures of the River Clyde 100 years ago, Wendy Glass examines how DNA can help with your family history research, Jenny Swanson provides a summary of Scotland's Homecoming so far, Michelle Higgs looks at 19th century body-snatching, there's a preview of this year's Angus and Dundee Roots festival, and yours truly provides a report on this year's Who Do You Think You Are? Live event in London, highlighting discoveries on new ways to help your Scottish family history research that I discovered there. In addition Kate Howard shows how to research your military ancestors from World War Two, and there are the usual regular features such as Bygone Days and your family history questions answered.
At just £2.50, it's a real bargain! The magazine can be read online or can be downloaded in PDF format, and back issues can also be purchased through the site.
Scotland's Greatest Story
Professional family history research & genealogical problem solving