The Scottish GENES Blog (GEnealogy News and EventS): Top news stories and features concerning ancestral research in Scotland, Ireland, the rest of the UK, and their diasporas, from genealogist and family historian Chris Paton. Feel free to quote from this blog, but please credit Scottish GENES if you do. I'm on Mastodon @scottishgenes and Threads @scottishgenesblog - to contact me please email chrismpaton @ Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thàinig thu!
Sunday, 18 December 2011
Discontinuation of Scottish GENES
In September of this year I launched a sister blog to Scottish GENES entitled British GENES, located at My initial intention was to maintain both blogs, one for those with only Scottish interest, and one for those who may have interests further afoot in the British Isles, Scotland included. British GENES was created because I was receiving more press releases than I could make available on a purely Scottish platform, and I did not want them to go to waste. The new blog incorporates all the posts I make from Scottish GENES, however, pressures on time are now forcing me to make a change which may not be popular for some, in that I have decided to discontinue producing the same content on two different blogs. As such, this will be my last post on the Scottish GENES blog.
Please note though that I will NOT be discontinuing Scottish news! I will simply now be using British GENES as the main portal for all news from the British Isles, and have absolutely no intentions of reducing the amount of Scottish content featured - not least of which because I live and work as a genealogist in Scotland! As such, I would ask that if you have bookmarked the Scottish GENES blog, that you perhaps now consider switching to the British GENES blog instead (which incorporates all the blog posts on Scottish GENES).
As with Scottish GENES you can subscribe for a British GENES daily news feed using links found on the left hand side of the page at If you have also followed Scottish GENES as a Google user, please do consider doing the same with British GENES - it's always nice to see who some of the readers are!
Whilst I know that some will be disappointed by this, it is worth pointing out that I have been covering lots of UK news on Scottish GENES in any event for quite some time, so the change will not be quite as drastic as may at first be perceived. My own ancestry is Irish and Scottish, and so these will be more than fairly catered for on British GENES, trust me! :)
For those who may not wish to follow through to British GENES, a sincere thank you for sticking with Scottish GENES since it was created at the end of 2007 - the blog itself will remain online as an archive of news from the last four years. Don't forget that you can continue to follow Scottish only news in my bi-monthly news column within Discover my Past Scotland magazine (, and my new History Scotland magazine genealogy column starts off in the January 2012 edition! (The Scottish GENES Facebook page will continue for the foreseeable future until I create a new British GENES page to take its place.)
For those who are happy to follow though to British GENES - onwards and upwards, as I have lots of ideas in hand for the coming months for features and other developments...!!! See you there!
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Tree View gets new features
TreeView Gets Radical New Features
The highly respected TreeView, a favorite of reviewers has today launched unique new features and “views”. TreeView is free to all. You can access it at and
Five Brand New Views
Custom Tree
For the first time ever online, TreeView has made it possible to draw your own custom family tree. The custom family tree option lets you pick between pedigree, hourglass or full tree view, you can pick the number of generations you want and then the fun begins. Drag and drop anyone you wish around the tree, remove people from the tree by simply clicking the X on them. If you make a mistake, no problem, just click “undo”. You can also upload a picture to include as a background to your tree. This quickly and easily gives you a fully custom layout of your family tree. When you’re happy with the result, you can save your design for later or print it out. (You can select a person within custom tree and easily move them around the chart)
Relationship Tree
Using the Relationship Tree you can select any two members from your tree and generate a chart to show the relationship links between those two ancestors. The chart will appear on screen and from here you can choose to a print a copy.
Ancestor Chart
The ancestor chart shows you the direct line ancestors of a selected individual, with the option to display as many generations as you wish.
Descendant Chart
Alternatively, the descendant chart shows you the direct descendants of an individual.
Hourglass Tree
An alternative design for your tree is an Hourglass Tree. This chart is a combination of ancestor and descendant charts, including both direct ancestors and descendants of a person for as many generations as you wish.
Brand New Features
Printing Trees
You can now print any tree. When clicking on the Print icon you will be asked to select one of the following print options;
All in One: This option emails you a PDF of the entire tree on one page, enabling you to send the PDF to your local printer, so you can have your family tree printed on one large sheet of paper.
Several Pages: This option will divide your tree over several A4 sheets of paper allowing you to print from a standard printer at home. The A4 sheets are discreetly numbered and come with a guide, making it easier for you to piece them together once they have printed.
Tree Backgrounds
Now all trees come with the option to customise your background, from a variety of different colours, patterns or even use one of your own images.
Backup/Restore - Routinely save your tree and restore from previous backups or imported GEDCOM files. So now you can tweak your tree without the worry of making a mistake.
Relationship Calculator - You can calculate the relationship between any two ancestors in your tree. Type the name of the two individuals into the calculator and the relationship between them will be shown in the results box. If you are looking at your Full Tree or Pedigree view, click any individual and their relationship to the default person will be displayed in the dialog box.
Friends New Features
The ability to invite friends and family to view your tree is now free to everyone.
Friends Options - In addition to the access level you can now set a Role for your friends.
Select either ‘Guest’ or ‘Proposer’. A ‘Guest’ can view a limited or an extended view of your family tree. A ‘Proposer’ makes proposals for changes or additions to your tree without changing the data. This provides a safe way for your friends and family to help you fill in the blanks to your tree.
More Napoleonic military records online
- Army of Reserve 1803: 26,314 records of soldiers who were part of the 1803 England and Wales Army of Reserve
- Regimental indexes 1806: 97,463 regimental records of Napoleonic era soldiers from 1806
- Foot Guards attestation papers 1775-1817: 9,309 records of soldiers' attestations to the 1st Foot Guard between 1775 and 1817
ScotlandsPeople records update
New Images Will Be Available on ScotlandsPeople From 1 January 2012 We are pleased to announce that the New Year’s statutory images containing records from the Statutory Register of Births for 1911, the Statutory Register of Marriages for 1936 and the Statutory Register of Deaths for 1961 will be released on the site on 1 January 2012.
Thursday, 15 December 2011
Start Your Family Tree Week
Start Your Family Tree Week returns!
The festive season is upon us once again, a great time to gather the family and catch up on the year's events. Wouldn't it be nice to create a new story this Christmas, one that involves the whole family?
Introducing the 2nd year of Start Your Family Tree Week!
* Printable charts and question sheets for kids and adults, so the whole family can join in the fun
* Top tips so you can get the very best start towards adding names and growing your family tree
* Daily competitions and quizzes to test your knowledge.
We have some great prizes up for grabs during the week, so don't miss out! Who knows what new discoveries you'll make?
Coming soon from Deceased Online
Records for the first Yorkshire city in the database
Records for the first city in the database in the North West of England
England's North East debuts with a large dataset
Two more London boroughs' records
More collections from across Scotland
All of these records are planned to go live on the website early in 2012.
(With thanks to Deceased Online)
My Heritage launches mobile tree app
MyHeritage unveils innovative mobile family tree app
World’s largest family network introduces new mobile experience for connecting families to their past and sharing special moments in the present
Take your family tree with you
As the trusted home on the web for families wishing to explore their family history and keep in touch, so far more than 21 million family trees containing 900 million profiles have been created on MyHeritage. The new MyHeritage app enables family members to access their family tree on-the-go, offering the most advanced smart phone and tablet capabilities for an intuitive user experience. For example, the Pinch Zoom feature enables easy viewing of detailed information about ancestors and relatives, and touch-screen panning can be used to visit any area of interest on the tree. The app shows up to seven generations with photos in stunning graphics, and displays a rich profile for each individual as well. One year in the making, the app was built from the ground up using the most cutting edge HTML5 technologies.
“We recognize the growing importance that families place on tablets and smart phones for entertainment and keeping in touch. Our new MyHeritage app shows our commitment to creating the best possible experience for families on mobile devices”, says MyHeritage Founder and CEO Gilad Japhet. “The app is a natural extension of our consumer offering and supports our mission of enabling families to connect to their past and to each other. Version 1.0 is just the tip of the iceberg – we look forward to adding significant new features in the near future.”
The MyHeritage mobile app is available for free on the App Store and the Android Market. To get started, download the app and log in to your MyHeritage account. New users can sign up for free on, build their family tree and begin an exciting journey into their family history. Version 1.0 supports 14 languages and additional languages will be added in subsequent releases. Further development on a more advanced version, including the ability to edit the tree and sign up to MyHeritage from within the app, has already begun.
About MyHeritage
MyHeritage is the most popular family network on the web. Millions of families around the world enjoy having a private and free place for their families to keep in touch and to showcase their roots. MyHeritage’s Smart Matching™ technology empowers users with an exciting and innovative way to find relatives and explore their family history. With all family information stored in a secure site, MyHeritage is the ideal place to share family photos and preserve special family moments. The site is available in 38 languages. So far more than 60 million people have signed up to MyHeritage. The company is backed by Accel Partners and Index Ventures, the investors of Facebook and Skype. For more information visit
ScotlandsPeople beginners tutorial
Interested in researching your Scottish family history and learning about the records available at the ScotlandsPeople Centre?
Then why not come along to New Register House on Wednesday, 25th January 2012 - 9:30 am to 12:30 pm. The event will include a presentation about the Centre and our records and a session on the computer search system in the magnificent Adam Dome.
You'll find out how easy it is to start compiling your family tree and get hints and tips to help you with your research. Light refreshments will be served.
Tickets cost £3.00 and must be booked and paid for in advance. To reserve a place, please call 0131 314 4300.
For a limited period we are reducing the price of downloads. From 1st December 2011, the cost of saving a Statutory Record/Census or Wills & Testaments image to a USB stick will be 30p. The cost of saving a Coats of Arms image will remain at £10.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Find My Past - Tay Bridge Disaster
In this week's episode three people find their connection to the Tay Bridge disaster. Opened in early 1878, the Tay Bridge was the world’s longest bridge at two miles from bank to bank. It greatly reduced the rail journey from Dundee to London. On 28 December 1879, a gale was blowing down the estuary and the bridge could not withstand the force. A section collapsed, taking a passenger train with it into the icy waters of the Tay; drowning all 75 people on board.
The episode airs on Thursday 15th December on Yesterday at 9pm and is repeated daily throughout the following week. Yesterday can be found at Sky channel 537, Virgin TV channel 203 and Freeview channel 12 and there is more info about the series at and their Facebook page at
UK national archives brief parliamentary group
Monday, 12 December 2011
Pupils find famous ancestors
Pupils find Famous Ancestors to Add to their Family Trees
* to be the Principal Sponsor for the next phase of the Making History project which encourages children to research their family history
Making History has just completed a six month pilot project helping schoolchildren to trace their family history. The pilot had a number of sponsors and partners including who helped the pupils to trace their ancestors and also provided the infrastructure on which pupils could input and print out their family trees.
The pupils found famous ancestors and many other interesting connections with history including:
- A family connection to Dame Peggy Ashcroft
- A grandfather in a POW camp in Asia.
- A great grandfather who was a daredevil stuntman who dived into blazing tanks of water and worked once with Evil Knieval.
- A relative who was in the orchestra aboard the Titanic when she sank
- A great grandfather who was a Hussar in WW1.
- Kate Miller:
- Laurence Harris:
- John Grubb
Scottish Register of Tartans revamped
The Scottish Register of Tartans has recently been revised and new facilities are now available at to help you search the official Register of Tartans more effectively.
We have expanded the options for searching the contents of the Register, allowing you to search for tartans with a particular colour order or with a predominant base colour. You can still search by tartan name, reference, category or designer.
An additional facility has also been developed so that you can use a known threadcount to compare your design against all the tartans already included on the Register. You may wish to use this facility to identify other similar tartans already registered before you submit an application to register a new tartan.
Please take time to visit the Register and try out these new developments.
We welcome your comments on these new facilities (positive and negative) and invite your suggestions for other facilities that we can consider developing. Please email: or write to:
National Records of Scotland
HM General Register House
2 Princes Street
Tartan helpline: 0131 535 1388
Sunday, 11 December 2011
Unlock the Past's 2nd genealogy cruise - review
The whole tour started and ended with day long sessions in Auckland and Sydney, where Rosemary and I were the keynote speakers, but I want to give a special shout also to Brad Manera, who gave the talk that most enthralled me throughout the whole event. On the last day of the tour, Brad described the story of the Japanese submarine attack in Sydney in June 1942, a story I had never heard of, and one which fascinated me, my own father having been a submariner. Brad also spoke on the bombing of Darwin by the Japanese, again reinforcing that I know absolutely nothing of the Australian story of the Second World War – something I seriously plan to rectify. Incidentally, Unlock the Past is hosting a major event in Darwin next February entitled War Comes to Australia – further details can be found at
Tony Pollard wants to dig up the Falklands
New Central Scotland FHS publications
Camelon (Falkirk) Lair Records 1873-1903, 1912-1929 £13.00 for members, £14 for non members plus postage
Complete pre 1855 Burial Records for Stirlingshire, Clackmannanshire, West Perthshire as well as Bo'ness and Carriden. members price £17.00 and non-members £19.00 plus postage.
Available from, Parish Chest and Genfair
There's been a murder...
Incidentally, if you are in the Largs or Ayrshire area on January 10th, I'll be doing this talk again for the local family history society - details on my Diary page (see top of blog).
Saturday, 10 December 2011
Tanner Ritchie holiday sale
All downloads are $10 or less.
CD-ROMs 50% off.
Discounts on Short-Term Access to MEMSO!
It's that time of year again for TannerRitchie's biggest sale. We've added hundreds of new titles and will be adding more during the sale - so be sure to visit regularly.
NB: Recent additions to the site include:
Published December 2011
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic, Charles I. Addenda (1625-1649)
Journals of the House of Commons. Edward VI - Charles I, vol. 1 (1547-1628)
Published November 2011
Ecclesiastical records: Synod of Fife (1611-1687)
State Papers and Miscellaneous Correspondence of Thomas, Earl of Melros. With Additional Letters & Index, vol. 2 (1597-1625)
Accounts of the Lord High Treasurer of Scotland (Treasurer's Accounts), vol. 11 (1559-1566)
Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, vol. 14 (1513-1522)
Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, vol. 13 (1508-1513)
Calendar of State Papers, Domestic [Charles II] (1671-1671)
Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, vol. 15 (1525-1529)
Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, vol. 12 (1502-1507)
The Great Roll of the Pipe for the First Year of the Reign of King Richard the First, A.D. 1189-1190 (1189-1190)
The Great Rolls of the Pipe for the second, third and fourth years of the reign of King Henry the Second (1155-1158)
The Chancellor's Roll: the Great Roll of the Pipe from the Third Year of the Reign of King John (1101-1102)
Ecclesiastical records: Presbytery of Lanark (1623-1709)
Liber Conventus S. Katherine Senensis prope Edinburgum (1101-1102)
New ScotlandsPeople terminals add further search capability
Access to Historical search room records
We now have computer terminals in the Matheson Dome and the Reid search room which give day customers access to some of the electronic records that are available in the Historic search room.
Customers can look up Kirk Session records, Wills & Testaments, Soldiers' Wills, Valuation Rolls, Sasine records and the Scottish Criminal Index without having to go up to the Historical search room.
Screen prints can be purchased - see our charges page for details. For more information, please speak to a search room supervisor.
Comment - this is an excellent development that will make the ScotlandsPeople Centre an even better integrated research hub than before, now that it is providing access to the NRS's Virtual Volumes system. Note that if you only wish to use these digitised records from the NRS's Historic Search Room, they are completely free to access there, whereas a pass into the SP Centre is £15, so plan accordingly!
Chris app available
New ‘ Mobile’ iOS app gives users access billions of historical records to build their family tree on-the-go, the UK’s favourite family history website, has announced the availability of its new mobile app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, with features designed to enable more rewarding discoveries as users build, update and share their family trees.
The Ancestry Mobile app, which has been downloaded globally more than 1.7 million times, is now available for free from the Apple App Store.
This upgrade adds three new features:
* ‘In-app purchasing,’ which allows subscribers to view, then buy fascinating historical records about their ancestors – such as World War I Medal Index Cards, Census records, birth/marriage/death certificates and school yearbook photos, from among billions of historical documents in the collection
* A ‘Shaky Leaf’ hinting feature that employs predictive analytics to suggest possible new connections between a user’s family tree and undiscovered documents in the world’s largest online family history collection
* A new merge feature, which automatically identifies and extracts information about family members from historical records so users can quickly and easily update their family tree
For users new to, the latest iOS app provides an easy way to get started by giving access to relevant historical documents on the site without a subscription. For existing members, the new app enables them to grow their tree using records on the site and share them with others while on the go.
The mobile app offers many of the most popular features available in the online version of’s industry-leading family history website, including the ability to add and edit family information, view and share documents and photos, take and attach photos and create and navigate multi-generational family trees.
To get started, download the free mobile app to an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and either register for a new, or log in to an existing account and choose a family tree. subscribers can download family history records in the app free of charge. Non-subscribers pay a special introductory price of between £0.69 – £1.49 for each record purchased through the app’s ‘in-app purchase’ feature. International Commerce & Business Development Director Angela Crouch comments: ‘Our goal with the new mobile app is to enable more people to discover their family history through our billions of historic records, and allow them to share their findings easily with others.
‘”Our ‘Shaky Leaf” hinting feature has resulted in tens of millions of successful family history discoveries online and it’s now accessible to our growing mobile user base.”
Commonwealth War Graves Commission news
As part of a drive to increase awareness of the number of Commonwealth war casualties buried in cemeteries within the United Kingdom, the Commission has unveiled the first of a series of new signs.
The new signage, in the same style and colours as the Commission uses in places like France and Belgium, will be appearing at hundreds of cemeteries over the next few months and the first was unveiled at Sunderland's Bishopwearmouth Cemetery by Commissioner and local MP, Kevan Jones.
A video on the Commission's work in Scotland is also online at
Finally, the latest CWGC annual report is also now available at
Guild of One Name Studies - flexible membership
The Guild of One-Name Studies has introduced flexible membership joining rates in six currencies to enable new members to assess the benefits of the Guild over an extended period. The Guild welcomes as members all who have an interest in one-name studies. It is not necessary to register a study name in order to join. New members can join the Guild either by post or online at
The Guild membership subscription year runs from 1st November to the following 31st October. Renewal subscriptions are payable annually on 1st November. For new members joining the Guild, there is a sliding scale of subscription depending on the month of joining, which offers up to twenty-three months of membership for a single joining fee. Members joining during December and January have the option of paying either up to the next 1st November (ten or eleven months' membership) or until 1st November of the following year (22 or 23 months' membership). Full details of the subscription fees are available below. Payment is accepted in any of the six currencies UK £, US$, Canadian $, Australian $, New Zealand $ or in Euros. Prospective members can join online and pay their membership subscription online.
Month Joined | Membership | UK | US | Can | Aus | NZ | Euro |
Dec | 23 Months | £28 | $47 | $47 | $47 | $57.50 | €34.00 |
Jan | 22 Months | £27 | $45 | $45 | $45 | $54.00 | €32.50 |
Feb | 21 Months | £26 | $43 | $43 | $43 | $52.00 | €31.00 |
Mar | 20 Months | £25 | $41 | $41 | $41 | $50.00 | €29.50 |
Apr | 19 Months | £23 | $39 | $39 | $39 | $46.00 | €27.50 |
May | 18 Months | £22 | $37 | $37 | $37 | $44.00 | €26.00 |
Jun | 17 Months | £21 | $35 | $35 | $35 | $42.00 | €24.50 |
Jul | 16 Months | £19 | $32 | $32 | $32 | $38.00 | €22.50 |
Aug | 15 Months | £18 | $30 | $30 | $30 | $36.00 | €21.00 |
Sep | 14 Months | £17 | $28 | $28 | $28 | $34.00 | €19.50 |
Oct | 13 Months | £15 | $25 | $25 | $25 | $30.00 | €17.50 |
Nov - Jan | 10-12 Months | £15 | $25 | $25 | $25 | $30.00 | €17.50 |
Cliff Kemball, the Guild’s Treasurer, comemnted, “The new flexible membership rates enable anyone interested in One-Name Studies to join the Guild for an extended period to find out what the benefits of membership are and to experience the services and facilities that the Guild offers.”
(With thanks to Des Gander)