8 JAN 2008 - Lanarkshire FHS meeting, GLO Centre, Muir Street, Motherwell, from 7pm until 9pm approx. info@lanarkshirefhs.org.uk or society@lanarkshirefhs.org.uk
8 JAN 2008 - Largs and North Ayrshire FHS: Covenanters, by Bill Niven, Community Room, Largs Library, Allanpark Street, Largs, at 7:30 pm. webmaster@largsnafhs.org.uk
8 JAN 2008 - The Heraldry Society of Scotland: The Law of Arms and Heraldic Practice in the New Russia, by Michael Yurievich Medvedev, The Collins Suite, University of Strathclyde, Richmond Street, Glasgow (NB: This is a joint meeting with the University of Strathclyde Genealogy Lecture series) Entry fee: £3 payable at the door. elaine.richman@strath.ac.uk Tel: 0141 548 4147
9 JAN 2008 - Caithness FHS, by Allan Lennon, at Miller Academy, Thurso, though topic not yet known! caithnessfhs@gmail.com
9 JAN 2008 (7.30pm) - Central Scotland FHS: Scottish Freemasonry and Family History, by David W. Brown, Smith Museum and Art Gallery, Dumbarton Road, Stirling. http://www.csfhs.org.uk/contact.htm
10 JAN 2008 - East Ayrshire FHS: The Wandering Scot, by Jim Grant, Gateway Centre, Foregate Square, Kilmarnock at 7.30pm. http://www.eastayrshirefhs.org.uk/15 JAN 2008 - Troon @ Ayrshire FHS: Invisible Women in Scottish Blind Asylums, byDr Hazel MacFarlane. http://www.troonayrshirefhs.org.uk
16 JAN 2008 - Tay Valley FHS: Dundee Asylums, by Rod McKinnon, University of Abertay, Bell Street, Dundee, at 7.15 p.m. http://www.tayvalleyfhs.org.uk/site/page.php?page=22
17 JAN 2008 - Renfrewshire FHS: Quarriers Homes, by Josie Bell, Paisley Museum, 7.30pm. http://www.renfrewshirefhs.co.uk
17 JAN 2008 - Alloway & Southern Ayrshire FHS: How Railways Changed Scotland, by Robin Nelson, Alloway Parish Church Halls, Auld Nick's View, Alloway, KA7 4RT - http://www.asafhs.co.uk/index.php
19 JAN 2008 - Aberdeen & N.E. Scotland FHS beginners workshop, Queen Street Church Hall,79 Queen Street, Aberdeen tel: 01224 646323.
21 JAN 2008 - Glasgow & West of Scotland Family History Society: Scotlands People an update, by Dee Williams. 7.30pm, Boyd Orr building University Ave Glasgow. Non members welcome. www.gwsfhs.org.uk
22 JAN 2008 - Highland FHS: The Folk of Old Kilmore: Photos and Family Histories from Glenurquhart, by Duncan Macdonald & Graeme Mackenzie, Netley Centre, Highland Hospice, Bishop’s Road, Inverness, IV3 5SB at 7.30pm. Voluntary fee of £1 for tea. http://www.highlandfhs.org.uk/HFHSContacts.asp
22 JAN 2008 - Largs and North Ayrshire FHS: Research Workshop (non members welcome), Community Room, Largs Library, Allanpark Street, Largs, at 7:30 pm webmaster@largsnafhs.org.uk
The Scottish GENES Blog (GEnealogy News and EventS): Top news stories and features concerning ancestral research in Scotland, Ireland, the rest of the UK, and their diasporas, from genealogist and family historian Chris Paton. Feel free to quote from this blog, but please credit Scottish GENES if you do. I'm on Mastodon @scottishgenes and Threads @scottishgenesblog - to contact me please email chrismpaton @ outlook.com. Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thàinig thu!
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