I announced a couple of months back that I have been kindly asked to travel to Toronto to give a series of talks on June 18th at a special Scottish family history workshop organised by the Toronto Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society (see http://scottishancestry.blogspot.com/2011/02/scottish-research-workshop-in-toronto.html).
I'm very much looking forward to it, but can announce that I will now also be giving an additional talk two days before the Scottish event, on Thursday June 16th 2011, on the subject of Irish Records Online. This talk will be held at 7.30pm at Gold Room, North York Memorial Hall, Toronto (Concourse level, opposite the Burgundy Room), and will be split into two parts, each 45 minutes long, with a short break in between.
Further details are available on the branch's website at www.torontofamilyhistory.org/Scottish2011.html#Irish
Hopefully see you there!
The Scottish GENES Blog (GEnealogy News and EventS): Top news stories and features concerning ancestral research in Scotland, Ireland, the rest of the UK, and their diasporas, from genealogist and family historian Chris Paton. Feel free to quote from this blog, but please credit Scottish GENES if you do. I'm on Mastodon @scottishgenes and Threads @scottishgenesblog - to contact me please email chrismpaton @ outlook.com. Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thàinig thu!
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