The BBC's Digging Up Your Roots radio series is attending the Angus & Dundee Roots Festival on the evening of Thursday, September 23rd, to record a special 55 minute genealogy question and answer show. The venue is the Conference Room at the Central Library in Dundee, and the show will be chaired by the series presenter Bill Whiteford, Experts from the series and from the Angus and Dundee area will be available to answer your questions.
The recording of the show, which will be broadcast early next year, will be open to the public and seats are free. However, due to a high expected demand, booking is essential by emailing
The show’s producer, Rhona Brudenell, is currently looking for stories to feature on the programme alongside the Q&A session, whether from the local area or from further afield. The series production team can be contacted at or by calling 01224 384881.
For more information about the Angus and Dundee Roots Festival 2010, which runs from September 23 until September 27, visit
(Thanks to Wendy Glass)
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