Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Portknockie Heritage Map for Family Historians

Jim Illingworth has very kindly sent me through a review copy of a map entitled Portknockie Heritage Map for Family Historians and Visitors.

Portknockie is in Banffshire, and in the 1861-1901 censuses the house numbers given are in fact the plot numbers as used by the Seafield estate. In 1841 and 1851, ni numbers are given at all. here's the crunch though - in 1873, the Seafield estate, which was the feudal superiro for the area, decided to renumber the house plots. For the family historian, this means that the modern house numbers do not correlate to the numbers given in the censuses, particular;ly as modern house numbers have been in operation for the village also from 1919, and those numbers have also changed since then.

Jim's comprehensive map shows the different numbering for properties before 1873 and after 1873 in the censuses, as well as the current house number. Buildings that no longer stand have their position marked also. In addition, details of all individuals in the 1861-1901 censuses are also noted on the reverse, as well as case studies on two of the families.

The map retails at £5 plus p&p (2nd class at 32p, N. America £1.98 and Australia $1.14), and can be purchased from:

The Secretary
Cullen, Deskford & Portknockie Heritage Group
2 Station Court,
AB56 2RR

If your ancestors come from Portknockie, this is an essential adddition to your library - it's also a useful reminder to everyone else that house numbers do change over time! For more information on the map e-mail steve.liley@btinternet.com.

Jim also offers to provide a list of occupants for any Portknockie property - email ghim at jim@annieroup.force9.co.uk.

(With many thanks to Jim Illingworth)


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