Another class act on the blogging front to point towards - the Scottish Emigration Blog at
Written by Amanda Epperson, who recently completed a PhD at Glasgow in history (specialising in Scottish migration), the blog is an eclectic mix of posts on a variety of topics, all historically themed. Enjoy!
Professional genealogical problem solving and research
Researching Scottish Family History (New book)
The Scottish GENES Blog (GEnealogy News and EventS): Top news stories and features concerning ancestral research in Scotland, Ireland, the rest of the UK, and their diasporas, from genealogist and family historian Chris Paton. Feel free to quote from this blog, but please credit Scottish GENES if you do. I'm on Mastodon @scottishgenes and Threads @scottishgenesblog - to contact me please email chrismpaton @ Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thàinig thu!
Thanks Chris!