I'm just off the phone to Fiona Musk at Aberdeen City Archives, and now have some additional info on the kirk session records access being made available as announced last night on my blog.
For the moment, access is being provided officially by Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Archives, and will be rolled out in due course at other archives across Scotland, including Highland, Western Isles and the Mitchell Library in Glasgow, though they are are not offically available from these locations just yet. The records are ONLY kirk session records, not Synod or General Assembly papers as speculated last night, and have been digitised up to about 1910. The records are not indexed but have been "waypointed" - p.1 minutes, p.23 accounts, etc - to help narrow down what you might find in each volume.
The same records are expected to go online next year through the ScotlandsPeople website, most likely via a subscription based access.
A hugely exciting and useful development...! :)
(With thanks to Fiona)
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Not a problem, glad I could be of help!